Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My latest challenge

As we get older things just start to seem to challenge us more. I was never one of those people who had a VCR that blinked 12 and I could pretty much fake my way through anything else that came along. This whole blogging thing has driven home the point that the old gray mare just ain't what she used to be if you know what I mean. It's a struggle to not curse, throw a temper tantrum or some other unladylike reaction every time I try to understand how to change code on this darn thing.

I know why it's called code now, because it's a secret to anyone who is not a computer guru or is over the age of 15. I think HTML is really some sort of underground language and the little people will soon be staging their grand coup. Most of us won't even know it happened because we didn't DVR it.

anyway, I'm going to shamelessly post pics of The Cute One because they came out so darn cute:

Trust me, the cat had it coming....

here she is trying out for the Price is Right. Hey, Bob Barker she's not even 2 yet ok? Hands off but momma sure would like to win that showcase:

and here's the grassroots (pun intended LOL) of her path to the nobel prize for botany: Hey, a mom can dream can't she?! Look, one of us has to be able to grow something other than weeds and anthills and the future of our landscaping is resting on this girl.
Now my next challenge... trying to channel Martha Stewart {{cue chant music here}} for a side item for my Starting Point cookout. I'm so uncreative when it comes to these things. Time to start blog hopping to find that one recipe that's nearly dummyproof yet still fab. Yeah, that's probably not far off from that nobel prize.

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