Sunday, May 17, 2009

Weekend Pieces

How can you get so little done and be so exhausted?! I have done a little crafting, a little reading, a little cleaning but not a LOT of anything.

It seems like I've been reading so much bad news lately. I'm really counting my blessings some days. Strangely enough I've been reading a lot about brokenness through my Starting Point, through the Baggage Series at church and just through random reading. It's so true that clinging to past hurts and failures drags us down and keeps us from greatness. God chooses simple people like Abraham to do great things. If we let the stumbles and roadblocks along the way trip us up, we might not achieve our purpose. There is nothing without a purpose. We may not even see the fruits of our purpose in our lifetime, but can only trust that they are great.

I keep coming back to one of the few old hymns that really makes me stop and put my heart in a more Godly place and that's It is Well With My Soul.

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,When sorrows like sea billows roll;Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,It is well, it is well, with my soul

In reading a little of the history of this hymn I found out it was written by a gentleman by the name of Horatio Spafford who endured multiple tragedies in his life, most notably the tragic drowning death of his 4 daughters. He penned this hymn on the boat journey to meet up with his wife who was spared and wrote it as the boat passed closely over the spot where his daughters perished. Unbelievably his wife said she was reminded most of the words of her friend: "It's easy to be grateful and good when you have so much, but take care that you are not a fair-weather friend to God."

I've been so blessed not to have suffered like these people have suffered yet they have maintained their faith and servitude to God. I can only hope that I could rise to such a test with a fraction of the same fortitude. Have I? Will I?

I've been chewing on some ideas about reconciliation but they aren't really that clear yet. I'll save those for later.

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